Thursday, April 15, 2010

Into the Future

Since the time I was born, both sides of my family have been in business. This led me to want to be different and I knew for a fact that I was going to become a doctor when I grew up. All throughout elementary and middle school my favorite subject was science. However, I after my I started talking math A, I realized math was just a much better subject. This led me to focus in on a business degree instead and over the years I developed a hatred for science. Furthermore, after my first job, which lasted 2 weeks, I learned that I have a conflict with authoritative figures and so that had caused me to quit my job. My most important vision is to work with my dad after I graduate; I hope to carry on what he does and possibly expand on it. I have grown up seeing my dad work for us and I want to now work for him, so he can retire. I currently work for him part time and after graduation I plan on working full time. Next, as politically correct as this sound, I want to give to charity. This accomplishes two goals; one being that it is mandatory in the religion to give to charity every year, and two, it will make me feel a lot more successful if I can make a difference in someone’s life. I also want to get married but I don’t want to take time away from my professional life and tying this with my Indian culture, I told my mom to find me a girl to marry. Having been living here, my parents want me to find a girl for myself and save them the hassle but I would rather use the energy for my business goals. As of now, this is how I see my future and hopefully things work out for the better!


  1. I admire your vision of giving back to your parents by taking over your dad's business. I come from a culture were that type of thinking is very rare, and it's all focused on the individual. It wasn't until after I moved away from my parents that I understood the hard work and sacrifices they've done for me, and when I can I'd like to give something back to them as well. It sounds like you have a strong ambition and I think by sticking with your plan you will reach that vision:)

  2. Thank you, I was a bit hesitant about writing that because that's a pretty alien concept nowadays. I've grown up seeing all that my parents scarified and it makes me appreciate all that I have. I hope one day we both can give something back to our parents!

  3. Mr. CEO,

    I have to say I admire your goal of giving to charity. There have been many people who have blogged about giving to charity or getting involved with philanthropy work and it's amazing. I think it's pretty selfless to write about your goal being to give to others. Usually I think we first think of ourselves when formulating goals, so it takes a lot to put others especially those you don't even know in your goal. Good luck with accomplishing your goals!


  4. Working with your father is a good idea, and I think your father will very glad that you can continue his business.

  5. It is very nice of you that you don't think only about your life but others as well. Reading your blog entry I got a feeling that other people are more important for you than your own needs and interests. I believe you make your visions a reality. Best of luck!

  6. Giving back to my parents is one of my priorities now, that I have the financial independence and I think that your thoughts are very unique in this way comparing to the common tendency of people being self centered if not to say selfish.
    But I could argue the complete devotion to business as I think it is indeed more important to choose your life partner yourself since this person will become someone you could relate to.

  7. I like your goal about giving back to your parents because that is something very important to me as well. I wish you all the best with your goals.

  8. Thanks guys,
    Candice Acosta: I agree, I feel that anyone can make money, but the satisfaction of improving someone else's life is the real determinant of success.

    Feelings and Emotions: I hope he is. I love the fact that I can't fired no matter how many angry I can get sometimes!

    Paulina Osip: Yeah, part of my high school motto was to pledge to" leave our city any less, but rather greater and better than we found it." I strongly believe in this and I hope I can live up to it.

    Alexei: It's great that you are giving back to them already, I can't do it financially yet but I try to obey them as much as I can, so we can live happily without complaints.

    Arnab: Shutup, you are just trying to copy me lol

  9. Giving back to your parent is something i would like to do for mine as well, Since they did raise me. I would pick a wife myself, because that will be a person you will spend the rest of your life with, you dont wanna marry someone you dont like being with . Good luck
